Images taken from the internet
Donald Walsch
Author: Conversations with God Trilogy
The biblical book of the Old Testament: 1 Thessalonians 5.21: tells us to "test everything and retain the good."
In every book they read, without exception, there are areas where we disagree and some do. The Best Seller "Conversations with God Trilogy" (which supposedly the writer speaks with God)-Volume 1 - Neale Donald Walsch author, I found many interesting topics about God's Love, recorded verbatim in some sections
"Perfect love is to feel how perfect it is white. Many think that white is the absence of color. Not so. Is the inclusion of all colors. White is all other colors are combined. "
"Similarly, love is not the absence of emotion (hatred, anger, lust, envy, greed), but the sum of all feeling. Is the sum total. The combined total. The whole. "
"So that the soul can experience perfect love, you experience all the human feelings. "
"How I can have compassion for something I do not understand?. How I can forgive in others what I have never experienced in myself?. This simplicity may be viewed as the imposing scale of the journey of the soul. "
"How can be above, if you've never been down?. How can it be to the left, if you've never been right?. How can you have heat, you do not know the cold?, How do you know good if denied wrong? "
" To experience the grandeur, the soul must know what is greatness. And you can not do if there is nothing but greatness. Thus the soul realizes that greatness only exists in the space of that which is not great. Consequently, it never condemns that which is not great, but bless him, seeing in it a part of itself that must exist for the other party to manifest itself. "
"The task of the soul, of course, is that you choose to greatness - that seleccionéis the best of who you are - without condemning You select what is not. "
According to expressing the author, I have the conviction that every human being is subject to the imperfect to reach perfection, to the turbulence of life to reach the soul sedation . Those who have suffered and hated with intensity, we have also learned to love strongly, with the magnanimity of the universe.
With regard to what the author says in the last paragraph entered here: "Consequently, it never condemns that which is not great, but bless him, seeing in it a part of itself that must exist for the other party to manifest itself. "
I absolutely agree. When the soul is still suffering from a deadly bacterium because of pain or frustration he raised a serious illness, coming in many cases to a state of lethargy and also altering the physical.
life in this state as a whole has a 180 º and it also affects those closest to the patient. While the soul lives in this process, but will hardly notice this state and appears to be contradictory, are accurately overcome by grief and failure.
life in this state as a whole has a 180 º and it also affects those closest to the patient. While the soul lives in this process, but will hardly notice this state and appears to be contradictory, are accurately overcome by grief and failure.
Otherwise, the soul lives on hold and will not leave primary school, also advancing to the side that will ultimately lead to college to earn the degree "Processes approved and passed to Excellence. " From now on you can make all the graduate degrees they want, but nothing prevents it here on earth.
While the body cleanses the soul sick
Vanina-Bogota Colombia
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