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I am aware that THE REAL WORK OF GOD TO ADVERTISE Universal, but to decimate IN KIND. For example: organizing tithers and those offerings, paid directly commissioning groups: public services, the leasing of the church (if not own), payroll (including the main preachers), nursing homes, education in poor or homeless children, the names of these households also purchase the markets for needy families. The most that could be done would be to create a fund established by law for another group to take charge tithers of this, in order to have money to pay support of various missionaries, clinical and funeral expenses of a family of the church that has no resources for this and other basic activities for Growth of the Work of God. But all this, if possible, supervised by a legal comptroller can get approved soon by the government media.
This unquestionably would prove who the real servants of God prosper for the same "Lord" and who have been prospered by the pocket and bank accounts of the congregants. The latter would be ruined and have to start looking for another mode of livelihood and economic enrichment.
The Word of God should be disseminated but not marketed because it is not an ordinary product to sell. Personally, I believe in God, believe in Jesus Christ, believe in the Holy Scriptures, but not literally because now live in other times and no one should accommodate the Bible to benefit financially. Men by malicious verbiage only have obtained this gain to enrich and others have achieved a powerful place in the field of politics, are false apostles.
In the Old Testament of the twelve tribes of Israel, the exceptional was that of the Levites. The Levites lived apart from other tribes and had a different economic system. All tribes claimed the product of what they planted and harvested, as well as marketed. The Levites only were engaged in the service of God and everything that had to do with chores around the tabernacle and the temple worship, prayers, sacrifices, offerings and assist the priests. They had no property because they lived in camps the surroundings of the Tabernacle, as they should constantly monitor it. A work delegated by God.
In short, the tithe was established by God for the NATION OF ISRAEL, specifically for the Levites, TRIBE THAN OTHERS, as part of its theocratic government and administration (government exercised directly by God, or subjected to the Divine laws through their ministers and representatives, including the ancient Hebrews). And as the Levites could not own land or inherit any, are supported by the tithe. It should be noted that the tithe and offering was not in money but in SPECIES, exclusively for the support of the Levites. Indeed God himself, to avoid corruption in their town (SO TODAY IS EVIDENT IN SOME FAMOUS PREACHERS) ordered that the tithe was always delivered products such as wheat, wine, oil, bread, animal and what was strictly reserved for the "storehouse", a large warehouse where they stored the tithes in kind. For this in the book (chapter Malachi 3:6-12), God clearly announced to the nation of Israel and not the church - "Why did I have left to pay tithes to the Levites?" -. God was admonishing the Israelites, not the congregation.
As Heavenly Father, was ensuring that the Levites would not be without a livelihood and others cursed the Israelites for this great responsibility, to feel anger that has been disobeyed and barn would not have enough food stored for his tribe working permanently for the tabernacle, the temple and there were chores to be exercised.
While cursed the village, also challenged to comply with the tithe and offerings, and so would prove that God they multiply each food to overflowing. This is expressed clearly in the book of the Old Testament (Malachi chapter 3, verses 6 through 12). At this time all the people of Israel was under the law and be living in these conditions was submission; in Old Testament God was very strict and had his people under the Law With the coming of Jesus Christ This Act was repealed, and most do not live in this Act
The tithe was only in food or animals. The mention of the storehouse is not accidental: storehouse is a storeroom or barn and its purpose was strictly social and nutritional. This old standard contemporary leaders of various religious denominations boldly, have used the Bible passage "(Malachi 3 verses 6 through 12)" for profit, personal extended to their families. And the gullible parishioners to believe everything literally, are victims of this scam disguised as piety. Famous leaders in the sermons they cling to their loud cries expressing anger and disappointment for those who do not tithe, calling "of thieves because according to them, are robbing God." They make an impressive brainwashing curses, "apparently Bible "- for not tithing and the devotees in good faith, automatically, tithes and offerings, but this requires financial sacrifice even of the same support his family.
I bring to mind a true example of which I witnessed. A few months ago, a humble woman of the people of Chocó, was watching a television program called "Marathon" by a Christian TV network. This woman lives in the seams that manages to do in their traditional sewing machine. She is single with 4 dependent children and live in absolute poverty. Motivated by her compassionate heart and a great devotion to God, heard of "The Marathon", a program that is conducted quarterly simultaneously in several countries in South and Central America to PACTA MONEY SAVINGS IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WITH THE OBJECTIVE OF COURSE, THAT BY EACH COVENANT IS A SPECIAL REQUEST AND APPROPRIATION TO BE EFFECTIVE, THE REQUEST WILL BE GRANTED.
The woman was going through serious difficulties with their children and then refused to agree one hundred thousand dollars, which was all that counted with the proceeds of the seams that had in those days. Realizing this would not let him and made him understand, "God did not need that we were paying to grant a request, that their wealth had no end, that was two dimensional, that Jesus Christ more than two thousand years made the covenant in cross for all mankind, that the covenants or agreements in any ideology, no longer exist, much less referring to money. That the names of Jesus and God were not to sell but to comply, to grace our genuine heart. The only thing is that God wanted her to take those hundred thousand dollars $ 100,000 and used for their children have basic needs and that all weight to win the product of their work, invest in supporting his family. And when he could, without violating the basic needs of their children and help her, someone who was also living plight. That could help as in kind, or with food, or work with what she considered was requiring that person and that aid was tailored to their capabilities. " Then I stressed to him on the endless mercy of God, but without money. "(And these things, to be blameless, because if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his household, has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel). "(1 Timothy. 5)
In the New Testament tithing is not important at all. In fact there is no explicit Biblical reference should be tithing. There is a New Testament reference that expresses PHARISEES to tithe. Jesus said, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faith. You should have no stop doing that. " (Mat.23: 23). "While doing that," referring to the tithe in kind and not mandatory and went to the Pharisees, the same Jews who were still living under the Act, accomplished in the old covenant.
All the letters of the apostles to the church, they never say that this is for the followers of Jesus Christ. In the book of Acts, specifically the story of the first 30 years of the church, tithing is not mentioned ONCE OR. We have many examples of people giving money "as they flowed from his heart, as they could, but NO MENTION of tithing and much unless it is made obligatory, as we are led to believe the preachers today who live pocket of those who tithe and gifts of money.
Some of the famous preachers and leaders of today, using the biblical portion of the book (Malachi 3 verses 6 through 12), only for profit, to extend personal their families. And the gullible parishioners to believe everything literally, are victims of this scam disguised as piety, the religious sophistry. What they said less, this might be called "illicit enrichment."
Vanina - Bogota Colombia
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