Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pastors Anniversaries Letters

Image taken from the internet

"But I will restore health to you and heal your wounds saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 30.17)
19 years ago, Layla received Jesus Christ with the deep desire to restore its life, which is fully expressed in it. Because his testimony was consolidated his entire family in Christ. For more than three years he worked hard to evangelize through special letters written by her and supported with appropriate verses for each case. Layla was delighted to realize that the support of Jesus Christ was evident to the people that she will writing.

This time of unusually collapsed Christian life, the nasty encounter situations in which she saw injustice and inhuman treatment in others by recognized leaders, which inevitably evoked the memory back to stormy events of his childhood and apparently already been delivered but they were still dormant, and had not healed over time their hearts became more vulnerable. His psyche was shocked to have experienced a loss of valuable and therefore its internal opponents in his mind somatize twice led her to the clinic emergency psiquiatrita. His experience there very painful and unpleasant, but, paradoxically, from this place, it came off these enemies for some time had been manipulated and disrupted their lives. God loves us so much that sometimes allows us to reach the darkest darkness, to tear the soul of the muddy and become immersed in its light flashing and healing.

Vanina-Bogota Colombia


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