"Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water"
(Hebrews 10.22)
According to what records the Illustrated Bible Dictionary, the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the same Holy Scriptures (Gen 18.24, 19.2, 24.32 and 43.24, Jn 13.10, Lv 14.8, 15.5 and 17.15), in times Jesus, the climate demanded that this population often bathe their bodies in cold water twice daily and two at night. The Egyptians, Hebrews and Syrians washed the dust from their feet whenever they entered a house, the Jews adopted the same customs. Since that time already had instructed us in terms of cleanliness.
With regard to the above, I bring up the habit I've had some from my fifteen years old, do not keep my shoes on the shoe or in the closet until they are dry after washing the soles with a brush and soap. I always had the conviction not to take our homes of dirt from the street, whether it's the same shoe.
is disconcerting to meet several of our brothers in Christ, neglect their personal appearance. Economic scarcity is not to dirt, abandonment or neglect. If, for example, when it has only two changes of clothes and a bed, no matter how little or how much you have, the bottom line is keep them in optimal conditions of hygiene. Cleanliness is a virtue to be practiced daily and at all times, not only extrinsically intrinsic but also, especially in the children of God.
About the Lord do not know yet, difficult to reach through to become an instrument to show this deficiency, because the first thing I would hesitate on the existence of one true God. Since our body the temple of the Holy Spirit, we project onto us their heavenly and divine image at all times.
Vanina - Bogotá, Colombia
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