Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How To Build A Licence In Java

Gudy music festival from 23 to 26 March

these are some of the music events that will be in Monterrey for the weekend of 23 to 26 March: [last updated on Mar 24 @ 9pm + one in the esq.amarilla]

Image hosting by Photobucket rock or die

Image hosting by Photobucket push the rock

Image hosting by Photobucket @ iguanas

Image hosting by Photobucket @ gargantuans

Image hosting by Photobucket tattoo expo

Image hosting by Photobucket voodoo kid

Wed 23 March, 5pm. Pigs play bread and other bands. @ Facu Philosophy and Literature of the unit. free admission. Wed 23 March. Tec cultural festival. wizok and other bands play. @ tec front of the gym. Sat March 25, 9pm. rock or die. anderson play, glitterbear, funky junkies, holiday, August, 60 tigers, dear ghost. @ bar sales (with juan hidalgo aldama esq.) $ 40 Cheve or soda. to benefit the music academy domus. [ flyer] Fri 24th March, 9.30pm. push the rock. wizok play, leonor, priceless, suadoz and lolita. @ exit bar (Wed father, facing the base). $ 50 pesos. [Flyer ]

Friday 24. Gigur, magenta, air, coffee @ Jabez iguana.

Fri March 24, 8.30pm. Vii international guitar festival. Orphen lyra concert. @ Theater arts center. free admission. Sab

March 25, 9pm. touch stereoadicta (morelia mx), Clemson, gloves, space programs. @ Cafe iguana $ 40 dollars (in the bulletin says "no cover"). [ flyer] Sat March 25, 7pm. play kerplunk (from laredo tx), take your shot, xits nowx, forever young, never fade, for life, the implants. @ gargantuan cultural space (escobedo, between Salazar and Trevino). $ 30. [ flyer ] sab 25 March. 1st reggae festival: bamboo, ganja (df), commune (df). @ Café Iguana. Cover $ 80. Sat 25 March. dj plays Nalgón toy and English (?). @ yellow corner. Sun 26 March. Saltillo expo tattoos. anticorrozivo enamel touches. @ lions club saltillo (Blvd Venustiano Carranza 3500). $ 40 pesos. "Family atmosphere." [Flyer ] Sun March 26. voodoo kid (last time). dreadful touch tmb x, noise north 2espías, Pikaza, zimbioziz. @ Café Iguana. $ 30. one under. [Flyer ] Mon 27 March, 8.30pm. Vii international guitar festival. Gonzalo Salazar concert recital. @ Theater arts center. free admission.


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