This week, the bridge has some holiday film clubs but either way there are excellent choices, especially in Cultural Relations (Thursday) and Caldera (Saturday) that will give two contemporary masterpieces. It is also the week where he played during the month Eduardo Subirats. As usual, all input functions are free except where indicated the opposite: [Last update: 21 March. Thanks to Issa for the tip.] Tuesday, 21
- Gods and Monsters (Gods and Monsters) by Bill Condon (1998) . Series: "Fragments of life behind the scenes at the House of Culture. 7:30 PM.
- Brodeuses (The embroiderers) of Eleonore Faucher (2004). Cycle "Embroidery of stories. Women directors" Gargantua Cultural Center. 8:30 PM.
- Elephant (Elephant) Gus van Sant (2003). Series "Masters of contemporary cinema" at the Teatro Calderón. 7 PM.
- The Last Supper by Tomas Gutierrez Alea (1976). Course "Crisis and critique of civilization. Reflections on criticism and philosophy taught by Eduardo Subirats. The film is presented as an introduction to the conference Subirats which is given on Friday and will cost 130 pesos. Projection Wednesday admission is free. Biotechnology Center Auditorium Tecnológico de Monterrey. 6 and 9 PM.
- Être et avoir (Be and To Have) by Nicolas Philibert (2002). -up to the exhibition "The worlds of school." Alliance Francaise Auditorium Centro Monterrey Valle. 8 PM.
Thursday 23
- The dreamers (The Dreamers) by Bernardo Bertolucci (2003). Cycle "Contemporary Cinema" at the Biotechnology Center Auditorium ITESM. 6 and 9 PM.
- Magnolia Paul Thomas Anderson (1999). Cycle "Cine existentialist" in the room Guajardo of Mexican American Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IMNRC). 8 PM.
- Return to Paradise Gilberto Martinez Solares (1960). Cycle "Gilberto Martinez Solares Centennial" at the Casa de la Cultura. 7:30 PM.
- Pixote: a lei do more fraco (Pixote) Hector Babenco (1981). Cycle Classics film "in the Biotechnology Center Auditorium ITESM. 6 and 9 PM.
- Mephisto (Mephisto) István Szabó (1981). Course "Crisis and critique of civilization. Reflections on criticism and philosophy taught by Eduardo Subirats. The conference was given immediately after the movie for what it is charged 130 pesos at the door. Cineteca Nuevo León. 10:30 AM.
- Mulholland Dr . (Dreams, Lies & Secrets) by David Lynch (2001). Cycle "David Lynch" in La Caldera. 6 PM.
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