Monday, September 6, 2010

Hippopotamus Abiotic Habitat

Image taken from the internet

"Because there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not
to come to light" (Mark 4.22).

Two years ago Margaret served in the call center of a marathon of prayer, which is conducted quarterly by an international Christian television channel. This program that aims to agree on money, so that according to the creators of this event, miracles happen in the lives of different people need to call there, hoping to ease their burdens. Margarita

gave this task with absolute passion and long hours, motivated solely by altruism that has existed in it and not pay, because it was escatimante. She was also convinced that this marathon was preeminenciar the love of Jesus Christ. Subsequently, and while there, the seized disappointment to see that what is transmitted to the viewers, it is only a religious sophistry. The policies of this organization, the only thing that matters is that each call answered, reversed just three minutes to realize the money that is agreed and then confirm the bank in which they entered.

Although calls to the pbx converge there, are made by people driven by an act of faith, in fact little or no matter how essential, "Prayer" for every spiritual need of the heart overwhelmed attending this program. Just be satisfied that the peremptory order of the minister - operator should not be delayed on the handset more than three minutes each. Failure to comply may expose you to receive a call rigorous attention to the threat of no further service there.

call center in the secular, the objectives are to meet the goals based on the activity of each company's sales of various tangible and intangible assets, loan recovery and management of various types of standards (customer service), all cases relate to MONEY. The goal of a Christian call center must be distinguished from others because the money does not prevail here but the prayer, love and compassion of Jesus Christ, before anything else. Are these the only standards that are practiced here. The additional money will come, if not go to the deception, using the name of Jesus Christ just for financial gain. (Matthew 6.33).

God does not require money to hear our prayers, his fortune is two dimensional, He even gives us his fortune to our duties. In the cross of Calvary compacts were all humanity. He just looks at us the ability to understand the ailments of others with forgiveness and love.

- Bogota Colombia

9dpo Really Wet Clear Discharg


Images taken from the internet

"The Lord detests the froward heart, but the perfect way are his delight "(Proverbs 11.20)
A qualified architect and a great reputation, was hired by an investor group to present a promising project with the mayor of an American state . Both Mayor as the investor group were interested in closing a zoo that had been operating for the public for several years and instead, build a great and attractive shopping center, which would include parks and cinemas. The determination to close the zoo was that the government could not continue holding it with the same resources. Your administrator remained in intensive care at a clinic in Detroit EE: UU, why they took over this property the investor group's advisor for the mayor to be substantiated with the decision to close the zoo. Hanna, the daughter of the manager replaced his father and with determination is made by working hard, with the assistance of employees of the zoo to keep it closed. Submitted proposals to the mayor to be analyzed and put into practice some, so he could remain the zoo.

The Minister who represented the investor group, was completely IRAC and disagree with the proposals of Hanna. Was secretly using third dishonest things to harm the administration of Hanna, for example, bribing an employee of the zoo with a tempting sum of money to alter the order and routine care of animals and thus exposed to Hanna a compromising situation, negligent and risky at the zoo, also official veterinary inspectors made out to the hall a terrible concept of sanitation and maintenance of animals, with this result without appeal to closing the zoo. The next day, Hanna was the greatest victim of this ruse. An employee who transgressed the confidence he had in the zoo, could not resist warn Hanna devastated and weeping for the serious health condition of his father, sick animals and others in critical condition and because his tireless struggle to save the zoo had been unsuccessful, then decided to reveal the truth to Hanna and the mayor of what was done deliberately plot with the counselor, apologizing to a specific problem which had not been able to be exonerated for lack of money. The Minister was ashamed and goodbye.

On hearing the architect of what happened, who was amazed by the tenacity of Hanna, withdrew plans for the project and decided to support it fully. Days later met with the mayor and the investor group plans to introduce other even more promising than previous ones, which include invoking continuity of the zoo with fertile yields great shopping, and tourist resort which would be strategically located adjacent to zoo. The architect was congratulated for such a brilliant invention.


Vanina - Bogota Colombia